Friday, May 8, 2015

Food Porn and the Brain, 5

Human beings tend to end up in the places they spend time thinking about and often with the people on which they focus their thoughts, attention, and desires. Every thought you think alters your brain’s neurochemistry—in positive and helpful ways or in negative and unhelpful ways. My concern is that food porners may eventually ingest more and more of the food porn they feed on mentally. Individuals habituated to pornography tend to discover that real life doesn’t live up to the picture and may find dissatisfaction in the effort it takes to maintain quality in real life relationships. Down the line, food porners may discover that real life never lives up to the picture, either, and may be less satisfied with what they do eat or gravitate toward eating the foods that trigger their brain reward system—risking declining health and increasing weight in the future, with all the problems those conditions can bring.

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