Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Broken Resolutions

I make a dozen new resolutions and by this time each year none of them are sticking. I am so discouraged!

 First, pluck up. You were trying to do something that it is highly unlikely would be possible for your brain. A dozen resolutions? I can just imagine your brain said, “Are you nuts? Because a dozen new resolutions is nuts. What were you thinking? I’ll just sit this one out, and in a few days—if this year is like the last 35—you will have given up and forgotten all about them.” Second: select one doable resolution. One you want to keep doing for the rest of our life. Tell your brain using your first name:  ______ you are drinking water and have two pale urines today (or whatever your resolution is, stated in positive present tense.) The brain gets in gear when it thinks something is happening right now. Do it every day. Faithfully. Studies have shown that it takes on average nearly 12 weeks of doing that something every day until it becomes a built-in habit. If you want to add another resolution and keep honing your first one, fine. My brain’s opinion: better 1 good resolution turned into a habit than several that fell by the wayside.

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