Thursday, January 27, 2022

Trauma Recovery

You always “lose” something in a traumatic event.  It could be the loss of feeling safe; the loss of health at least temporarily; perhaps the loss of a brain function or of a body part or even a person you love. Identifying the loss, grieving it, and letting it go, helps heal the pain from the event. To refuse to go through the process means that you allow the person or persons involved with the traumatic event to live rent-free in your brain. It wouldn’t matter to them—but it can matter to you and your health for the rest of your life. Healing from the event involves choosing healthier and thankful replacement thoughts. When you give up something you always get something. Find it and your life can change for the better. It might be knowledge, or verification of something you have experienced previously, or the freedom from something or someone you were inappropriately hanging onto. It could bring an unexpected opportunity or unexpected relief. The possibilities are endless.

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