Your body is a complex and world-class organization. Its primary
source of energy is carbohydrates that it breaks down into glucose, which forms
the fuel your brain, central nervous system, red-blood cells, and muscles
require, to name just a few. Eating fewer healthier carbs may not be the ticket. Eating moderate
amounts of healthier carbs likely is. They help supply your brain and body with
the neurotransmitter serotonin, which impacts appetite, mood, and sleep, among
other things. It’s a cascade effect: eat healthier carbs, blood-sugar levels
rise appropriately, and insulin is released to help the amino acid tryptophan
move into the brain where it ultimately creates serotonin. Too few carbs and
too little serotonin can contribute to fatigue, irritability—and may even lead
to depression. Too few healthy carbs may be one of the reasons that habitual
dieters may have low serotonin levels in both their brain and gastrointestinal
tract—a situation that can lead to bingeing.
Limiting carbs too severely or for too long a
period of time is unwise and may force the body to steal from muscles or other
body organs or try to use proteins and fats in an attempt to find fuel to power
its many functions. There is even concern about the potential long-term impact
on brain function that may result from a failure to give it sufficient amounts
of high quality healthier carbs on a regular basis.