Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Synesthete Perception

 Do Synesthetes think it is a good thing or not? 

It is a good thing? That would depend on how the individual with synesthesia perceives the phenomenon, the experiencing of a cross-tangling of two or more senses when triggered by specific stimuli. These stimuli trigger involuntary sensations of touch, sound, vision, smell, taste, or emotion that are not triggered in most other people. Some synesthetes have stated that this unique perception is a plus and helps them become more creative, each in their own way. A few have reported that the phenomenon is distracting or anxiety-producing. Some children on the autism spectrum, who also have synesthesia, have said they find synesthesia difficult. Recent advances in brain imaging techniques are expanding synesthesia research, validating the existence of synesthesia—which some have doubted. Two key brain differences have been discovered: a thicker gray matter and greater connectivity between wide-spread areas of the brain.

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