Friday, October 1, 2021

Visual Sense & Music

Does sensory preference influence how individuals approach musical activities?

 I believe Sensory Preference can impact how a person approaches musical activities. In other words, some types of musical activities may be easier for the individual to learn. Following are examples.

Visual: The two occipital lobes interpret data related to sight. Estimates are that 60 percent of the population has a visual preference. This sensory system helps you recognize the signs and symbols that represent musical sounds (reading music). The occipital lobes are active when decoding visual data and during visual imaging. In combination with the frontal cortex, it enables you to maintain the image of an instrument in consciousness. Individuals with a visual preference may be inclined to memorize music by mentally seeing the notes on the page or by noticing musical patterns on the keyboard. They may find it easier to notate music legibly.  More tomorrow. 

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