Saturday, December 25, 2021

December Poem 2021

It’s the 25th and here in my house,

Lives gratitude—no fire to dowse.

There might be a mouse that’s creeping around,

But way down the hill where the grasses abound.

 My stocking still hangs from the mantle, I see—

Now that lights are back on—and happy is me!

Cuz now I can bake and cook up a storm,

Sharing with others to keep hearts warm.

 Delightful odors stir the air,

Suggesting we’ll like this holiday fare.

Symphony music streams out from my phone,

No scratchy sounds—there’s no gramophone.

Nostalgia is good but inventions update,

I've got the mem’ries and a new template.

The sun’s shining through a light misting of rain,

With temperatures now that are quite humane.

I deliberately add to my memory’s store,

Of joy and hugs and laughter galore.

Give thanks for your blessings—you do have some,

They are harbingers of what yet can come.

Think positive thoughts and hopeful be,

or a better world that your eye can see.

Take care of yourself, a favored guest

On planet earth—so be your best.

 Wherever you are and whatever you do,

I send good wishes from me to you.

They come from my heart and each brain cell,

Please have a meaningful, happy Noel.

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