Saturday, January 19, 2019

Confabulation and the Brain, 8

There are those who believe that all human beings confabulate because no brain’s memory is 100 percent accurate. Everything the mind thinks is filtered through the experience that brain and mind went through. If people are perfectly honest, they will likely be able to dredge up some scenario whereby they embellished a story just a little bit, perhaps to make themselves look smarter or wiser or more “hip” or to add a little “spice to life” as one person put it. Much of comedy in real life is based on exaggeration. Even talk shows bank on using some confabulation to help people believe what is happening on today’s planet. In his book "We Are All Confident Idiots," Author Dunning gives an account of a show in which which people are interviewed on the street about fictional events or persons.
in which people are interviewed on the street about fictional events or Apparently enough people answer enough ridiculous questions (as if they really know the answer) to fill up a chunk of time on the talk show. Naturally this gives many viewers a good laugh. Although it may be funny, monitor your mindset and self-talk carefully for a few days. You may be surprised what you learn about yourself.

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