Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year Traditions

A common New Year tradition is that of making resolutions, which often mean giving up some deleterious habits in favor of developing more helpful ones. The most common New Year resolutions are said to include ‘stop smoking’, ‘lose weight’, ‘stay healthy and fit’, ‘save more money’ and ‘become more organized’. Fireworks are common in many countries but there are some other rather interesting traditions, including:

·       Spanish tradition is to eat 12 grapes at midnight while making wishes.  
·       Japan tradition is to ring the bells in Buddhist Temples 108 times.
·       Greek tradition involves hanging onions on their doors and wishing their children’s goodwill.
·       Dutch tradition is to burn Christmas tree bonfires to signify purging of the old and launching fireworks to signifying welcoming the new.

And, of course, there are many more!

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