Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Child Brains & Physical Exercise


I hate to admit it, but our family gets very little exercise. We want to spent time with the kids but since they like video games and table games, we mostly do those. We’ve all packed on a few pounds during the pandemic. Now that things are opening up, what should we do now?

 You are not alone with this type of scenario and in wondering what to do now. Exercising does not help you lose weight, per se. It can help build strength as you lose weight through positive lifestyle changes and help you maintain your weight within an optimum range. In a nutshell, physical exercise is critically important—for body and brain function. This has been underscored by research findings that were published in Cerebral Cortex May 14, 2021. A study at Boston Children’s Hospital reported an analysis of neuroimaging data from nearly 6,000 early adolescents (preteens). The analysis included brain imaging information along with the type and amount of physical activity each of the 6,000 adolescents engaged in on a regular basis.

 More tomorrow.

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