Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Often after a big dinner there are some leftovers. I often enjoy them, especially if I can avoid cooking again for a meal or two. My family regularly turns up their nose at leftovers. I hate to waste food. Any ideas?

 Have you heard the saying that a rose by any name still smells sweet? Well, leftovers have been around for hundreds of years. Not the leftover itself, of course, but the concept. Long before there were refrigerators and microwaves, there still were leftovers. Only people back then did not call them leftovers. They called them by a French term, réchauffé. It means “to reheat or turn leftovers into a new dish.” Pronounced as “rey-shoh-fey,” the term refers both to the action of reheating leftovers and the leftover food itself. You could try turning your leftovers into a slightly different dish called Réchauffé. Some have said that calling your leftovers by a French name can make them (the leftovers, not the people) sound like some fancy gourmet cuisine. You can always try it!

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