Wednesday, September 22, 2021

"Better" Your Sleep

How can I “better” my sleep and does it really matter?

 Each brain is believed to need a specific amount of sleep during a 24-hour period—and yes, it can matter enormously. Studies have discovered many tips for how to get a better sleep. Although sleep is independently linked with longevity, in today’s world, many are not excited about following the tips. Here are a few examples (and more are listed on the Sleep Foundation website):

 ·       Have a regular sleep time, starting preferably 1-2 hours before midnight as sleep before midnight has been found to be more restorative

  • ·         Go to bed the same time on weekends as during the week

·       Avoid the use of electronics for 1 hour prior to bedtime unless you are using blue-light protective glasses

·       Avoid exciting movies or video games just before going to bed to reduce brain stimulation and/or the production of adrenalin

·       Sleep in a cool room that is as dark as possible

·       Keep all electronics out of the bedroom unless you are on call

·       Eat dinner (or supper) by five pm if possible, so food is out of your stomach by bedtime.

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