Monday, September 6, 2021

EQ & Emotions

Interesting about EQ. I need to look into this. There is a lot of conflict in my life and my home! Is EQ an emotion? How many emotions are there?

Q is not an emotion. It is a set of skills to you help you manage emotions effectively and successfully. I only talk about four core emotions, as studies have observed them on the face of a fetus when uterine scans were performed during pregnancy:  Joy, Anger, Fear, and Sadness. There are hundreds of words for feelings—and, unfortunately, the words emotions and feelings are often used as synonyms, and they are not. They even follow different pathways in the human brain. You’ve probably seen someone throwing things or exhibiting some other undesirable behavior. If another person asks, “Why are you so angry?” the response may be, “I’m NOT angry, just upset, just having a spot of righteous indignation.” Or “Why are you so angry?” with the response, “I’m not angry, just sad.” Male-female responses can be very different. In society it seems that anger is expected if not completely condoned in males, while females are expected to avoid anger, although it is okay for them to be fearful and sad. Mismanaged emotions can get everyone in trouble, male and female. That’s where high levels of EQ skills can be helpful. 

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