Friday, September 3, 2021

What is EQ?

I need a definition of EQ that I can understand. Can you give it a shot?

Certainly. I am happy to do that. First, IQ describes a potential ability to perform academic learning and endeavors. EQ, on the other hand, describes a set of skills that are designed to help a person, recognize, understand, and utilize emotions appropriately and effectively. Some say IQ is head intelligence and EQ is heart intelligence. The heart, as you may know has 40,000 neurons that communicate regularly with the thinking neurons in the brain. This is how I describe EQ: A set of learned skills that helps a person to control impulses, delay gratification, modulate their moods and emotional responses, maintain a positive and hopeful attitude, and empathize with others. My brain’s opinion is that overall success in life is definitely related to a person’s level of Emotional Intelligence. Success is not one or the other or even one over the other, but consistent interactions between IQ and EQ as the individual deals with life circumstances. Of the two, research is leaning toward EQ being much more important, especially since it is believed high levels of EQ can reduce if not prevent conflict in everyday living. 

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