Monday, June 12, 2023

Alzheimer's & Refined Sugar

Another potential contributor to Alzheimer’s is refined ugar. It is linked with increased inflammation and inflammation is linked with the development of Alzheimer’s. Refined table sugar is half glucose and half fructose, a type of simple sugar. Glucose is a main energy source for brain-body cells. However, it is better to get it from healthier whole foods rather than refined sugar. Fructose must be converted into glucose by the liver before it can be used by the body. Of the two—glucose and fructose—there is some consensus that fructose is worse than glucose. Fructose is also found in multiple sugary sweeteners such as High Fructose Corn Syrup (100% fructose) and agave syrup. If the ingredients on processed and packaged foods list ‘added sugar,’ especially if it is up near the beginning of the ingredients list, it's almost a sure bet that the product is high in fructose.

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