Monday, June 5, 2023

Decisions, Decisions

I have a dreadful time making decisions. Sometimes I get so frustrated I don’t make one at all. What can I do?

Growing up were you not taught how to make decisions or allowed to make any? It is not uncommon for individuals who are faced with several options among which they need to select the one they will actually do, find themselves in a similar situation. They have a very difficult time going back and forth and trying to compare pros and cons—and then ruminate over the choice they made. Third, turns out there is a better way to handle those types of situations. Choosing one option over another can be relatively easy when one option is definitely bad or undesirable. Following through on that choice may be more difficult if one option requires more effort or time than the other. That’s where high Emotional Intelligence can give you a leg up as it helps you recognize the wisdom of delaying gratification for a more desirable outcome. Remember, not making a decision is in itself a decision. More tomorrow.

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