Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Brain Wiring for Connection

Studies are showing that from rodents to humans, their social environment shapes them. Their brains are wired with an innate need to connect. If social bonds are severed during childhood, the individual can experience long-term problems. Studies have shown that a child’s spirituality connection is shaped primarily by their mother’s and grandmother’s spiritual practices. Children with a spiritual connection were 90% less likely to be depressed as teens or young adults. This did not necessarily mean the children were required to go to church regularly but that their mother’s spirituality, including how she prayed, was what made the difference. In her book “The Spiritual Child,” the author points out that the innate need to connect must be nurtured—“the essential sense of a transcendent power in the world, one that will love, guide, and accept them and wrap them in a protective layer of self-worth, has to be nurtured.” Women, mothers and grandmothers especially, appear to be central to the spiritual development of children and their sense of spirituality and connection with a higher power.


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