Thursday, November 16, 2023

Higher Power

I’ve always thought of my higher power as a force outside of myself that is more powerful and knowledgeable, but I’m not sure exactly what that is for me.

Some researchers talk about a baby’s mother initially functioning as that child’s higher power, a force outside itself that the infant perceives cares for it, loves it, and is all powerful. By adulthood, children eventually transfers that maternal higher-power connection to a force outside of themselves, often depending on how they were raised. It could be a religious being or a universal power. Christians call their Higher Power “God.’ Other religious beliefs may use a different name such as Allah. Still other belief systems have a plethora of ‘gods’ for different reasons. Some individuals make powerful substances their higher power, the leader of a popular political power, a charismatic faith healer, successful sports figure, or a country’s dictator. Some individuals worship money, wealth, notoriety, beauty, genius, and so on. It appears that an individual’s “higher power” can be whatever that person chooses to transfer their initial childhood “higher power” perception to—animate or inanimate. You choose.

 A new video is posted every Saturday morning 

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