Thursday, December 21, 2023

Dieting & the Brain

Every month or so I go on a crash diet. That lets me eat whatever I want for three weeks and diet the fourth week. Someone just told me that dieting damage. Is that really true?

Studies have shown that weight-loss diets can impact the brain negatively in several ways. It can disrupt the synthesis or creation of neurotransmitters, alter brain chemistry, and trigger mental-processing problems. According to the author of 20/20 Thinking, you can shed smarts as well as pounds when going on crash diets or rapid-weight-loss diets. (e.g., less than 1000 calories per day) Dieting can starve the brain of serotonin, which can trigger a cycle of dieting and bingeing as there is insufficient serotonin to signal satisfaction. According to author Faith Hickman Brynie, dieting starves the brain of serotonin. This can trigger a cycle of dieting and bingeing—as there isn’t enough serotonin to signal satisfaction. I would suggest you could be healthier by eating moderately all the time.

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