Friday, December 8, 2023

Intuition: Reality or Fantasy

I am fascinated by human intuition. The people I talk with think it is a figment of my imagination. What is your opinion?

 Perhaps because don’t yet come close to understanding the brain and how it functions, it is difficult to define human intuition precisely . Many individuals have had an intuitive flash of insight or gut awareness of something that had not yet occurred—only to have that insight or gut awareness proven later on to be correct. The common belief has been that intuition was primarily a function of the brain or mind. How to explain what has happened, however, is a horse of a different color. There have been studies about intuition. The military launched studies related to the power of intuition, and the staff who made intuitive decisions during combat that ended up saving lives. Add that to a plethora of anecdotal reports, and it appears that intuition is an important factor in human interactions and may form the basis for many everyday decisions—although often unrecognized as such. Even when not discussed, most people have a sense that intuition exists. Reportedly Steve Jobs said that intuition was more powerful than intellect.

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