Thursday, August 29, 2013

High Blood Sugar and Dementia

Research is so interesting. Sometimes it comes up with correlations and possible reasons. Sometimes it just makes connections and the reasons are not yet known. That’s the situation for a novel observational study of patients at a large health care system in Washington State that links high blood sugar levels with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Commenting on this study, Medha Munshi, a geriatrician and endocrinologist who directs the geriatric diabetes program at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston and who was not involved in this study said this research “offers more evidence that the brain is a target organ for damage by high blood sugar. And everyone is still working on the ‘why’.” What can people do even without knowing the ‘why?” Adopt a balanced, high-level wellness lifestyle, of course. Many people know what to do; actually doing it is another thing. With an increased risk of dementia on the line, it’s high time to actually do something . . .

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