Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Cancer Risk Factor – Mental Attitude & Stressors

Both animal and human studies have shown a correlation between mindset, self-talk, and health. This includes how you handle stressors. Most people learn their stress reactions in childhood by watching how the adults in their life handle stress—these learned behaviors may or may not be helpful or effective. Do you have a positive can-do growth mindset or a negative fixed it-is-what-it-is mindset? It makes a difference which one you own and practice on a daily basis.

Prevention? Develop a positive, can do mindset. Raise your emotional intelligence and dump JOT behaviors. Stop talking about what you don’t want to have happen. Use only positive self-talk to tell your brain what it can do and what you want it to do. Use effective stress management techniques. Be serious about light but don’t take every little thing too seriously. Laugh a lot at yourself and the vagaries of life!

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