Thursday, July 15, 2021

Narcissism Questions, 4

I do not understand the perspective that those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder have low self-esteem. How can that be?

Studies have shown that individuals with NPD do have low self-worth. This makes them hypersensitive to perceived criticism or defeat. They are prone to feelings of shame, humiliation, and worthlessness over minor or even imagined incidents. They usually mask these feelings from others with feigned humility; or by isolating themselves socially; or by reacting with outbursts of rage and/or defiance; or by seeking revenge. They utilize various strategies to protect the self at the expense of others. Although overconfidence tends to make individuals with NPD ambitious, it does not necessarily lead to success and high achievement professionally. Thus, they be unwilling to compete or may refuse to take any risks in order to avoid appearing like a failure. In addition, their inability to tolerate setbacks, disagreements, or criticism, along with lack of empathy, make it difficult for such individuals to work cooperatively with others or to maintain long-term professional relationships with superiors and colleagues.

More tomorrow 

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