Monday, April 3, 2023

Birth Trauma Sequelae


Birth Trauma Sequelae

I was stuck in the birth canal for over four hours before finally being delivered with a huge hematoma on my head grapefruit from banging my little forehead against her pubic bone. I don’t remember anything about my birthing experience. I am terrified of small spaces, even tunnels. Why?

I could not say specifically. However, Dr. Tomatis would likely say that your deep unconscious likely remembers a lot about your delivery experience. Amniotic fluid is said to be extremely vibratory. Any part of the parent’s experience while pregnant has the potential to be absorbed by the fetus. Anxiety, pain, nicotine, alcohol, pollutants, toxic or abusive relationships, and fear, etc., can be transferred to the fetus, because all those things alter the mother’s neurochemistry. In my brain’s opinion, four hours in the birth canal would be enough to contribute to your feeling scared of small spaces and tunnels. Once you make this connection, the brain is able to help you overcome those fears. That was then and this is now, and you are capable of taking care of yourself as an adult.

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