Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Pandemic Pluses, 2


Pandemic Pluses, 2

 Time and interaction with fathers are more important than many have believed. Some fathers work hard to give their children “things” the parent never had. Some of that is great. Time, however, is the greatest gift and it is the only gift a father can give to his child. No one else can give that for him. Many parents play with their children every day. Studies show that generally fathers play more physically with their children. They lift babies and toddlers up in the air more. Depending on the age of the child fathers use more rough-and-tumble wrestling and play. Not only do these children tend to have stronger levels of self-control, they are less likely to have emotional and behavioral problems later on. They also have a lower risk of hyperactivity. Even into adult years, children tend to remember which parent played with them and what they played. Who knew? More tomorrow.

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