Thursday, August 13, 2020

Pandemic Pluses, 4


Pandemic Pluses, 4

During any enforced working remotely or sequestering, this gives parents and child(ren) a chance to spend much more time together than ordinarily is possible. That does not mean you must spend every waking moment entertaining a child. It does mean that you provide safe and interesting toys for them and perhaps audiobooks they can listen to while they are playing. If they are old enough to do simple jig-saw puzzles or build with Legos, a story playing in the background can be very helpful and even engaging. Variety is key. The brain loves variety. The research reinforced the need to vary the types of play children have access to, and mothers can, of course, support physical play with young children as well. Perhaps you can have a special toy or game for each day of the week—one the child can look forward to, so the days do not all run together. More tomorrow.

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