Monday, August 3, 2020

Pandemic Problems - Snacking

Pandemic Problems - Snacking


Stuck at home? Less easy access to groceries—if you haven’t been “made redundant” as they say down under, and have money to shop. A tendency to snack, rather than doing your level best to create actual meals and eat together? The outcome? Often it is weight gain. Studies have shown that not much has changed during the last 40 years. In 1961, Mickey Stunkard, an obesity research veteran, showed children drawings of healthy disabled and obese children and asked how much they liked them. The obese drawings were liked least of all. In 2001 the experiment was repeated and obese children were liked even less than before. Obesity does tend to stigmatize a child. Children observe their parents—even when it doesn’t look like they are watching. What you ‘say’ is not nearly as impactful as what you ‘do’ yourself. Your child will likely follow your lead in maintaining an optimum weight. The outcome is a decreased risk for serious illnesses such as diabetes type 2 and 3 and an increased risk for a longer lifespan.

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