Friday, July 8, 2022

Brain and Change, 2

When change occurs, I just ignore it and go on about my business. That’s good, right?

When change occurs, each person’s brain tends to make a decision—consciously or subconsciously—about the change. To like it, dislike it, or take a neutral position and “wait and see.” to like or dislike what was changed. Remember, thinking you are completely neutral (if that is even possible) is also a decision. Beyond that, each person’s brain will choose the type of behaviors to exhibit based on their perception of the change. Some choose to follow and replicated exhibited dysfunctional behaviors. Others choose to work with the change or cooperate with functional behaviors designed to take a nondestructive approach. The choice you make will impact your brain-body health in differing ways that can also impact succeeding generations negatively or positively.


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