Monday, July 4, 2022

Microaggression Example, 3

Microaggression often goes unrecognized. For example, many a highly intelligent, well educated, and assertive female (whatever her race) is marginalized as a complainer, trouble maker, or worse, while a male counterpart who exhibits similar behavior is described as a gifted and dynamic leader. In a committee meeting, a female, or a black, or another person of color may make a suggestion that just “sits on the table” and is not picked up. If much later a male (especially a white male) makes the same suggestion as if he just thought of it, the group commends him for his astute observations. A male who kindly holds a door open for a female is told, “I don’t need you to open the door for me. I am capable of doing it myself.” That completely negates his attempt to be chivalrous and helpful. Or rolling one’s eyes behind the back of a person who is different from you. Or a black individual or a person of color telling someone who is not, “Because you have not walked in my shoes you have nothing of value to share with me.” Microaggression  in verbal and nonverbal communication represents low levels of Emotional Intelligence. We all can and need to do better.

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