Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Carbs or Carbs

Some carbs are healthier than others. Some carbohydrates are more nutritious than others. Highly processed and refined foods are often referred to as empty because most of the nutrition has been removed. They include refined sugar, white rice, and white flour products, along with other highly processed foods and alcohol—all of which can contribute to weight gain. The quality of the carbohydrates along with the amount you are eating are key concepts. The problem arises with using too many carbs in proportion to other foods you are eating: primarily fruits or too many refined processed foods in your menu; and sugars such as those found in candy, sodas, many pastries and desserts. Along with highly refined foods like white-flour pastas and commercial white breads, these types of foods add calories but minimal nutrition, and they can spike blood sugar. Consequently, it is wise to choose complex carbs in as natural a form as possible, eaten in balance with vegetables, healthy proteins, fiber, and whole fruits.

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