Friday, April 15, 2022

Learn to be Brain-Body Wise

Yes, it can. Intuition, used properly, may trigger brain or body clues. 
Does your body give you clues when you are around a specific individual? Does your stomach tighten if you see their phone number showing on an incoming call? Do they put you down unless you go along with whatever they want to do? Do they criticize you to others (sometimes under the guise of ‘wanting to help you’ or to ‘resolve an issue that is in their minds only’? Do they blame you, which is an attempt to justify their behavior and feel better about their choices? Are they targeting you with “love bombing, but which requires that you do whatever they want you to do with them? Hone your intuition. It is a built-in safety mechanism in the brain. Pay attention to it. If you sense something isn’t ‘right’ or ‘safe’ about the relationship, protect yourself. This may mean ending all contact with the individual. You may want to access the Relationship Evaluation on my website to give you some clues (

 A new audio-video podcast is posted every Saturday morning 

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