Monday, April 11, 2022

Tips for Escaping the Catastrophizing trap, Cont’d

Create problem-solving and coping strategies for high-probability events (e.g., earthquake, tornado, or flooding risks.) Believing yourself capable of managing undesirable events can reduce catastrophizing.

 Practice thinking ahead. Take proactive steps to prevent what can be prevented and plan how to handle what was not or could not be prevented. I tell my brain: Arlene, in an earthquake, you are doing do such-and-such.

 When negative things happen—and they will, as no one gets off this planet unscathed—learn as much as you can from them. Be willing to try new options which sometimes can result in wonderful new opportunities.

 Look for the happy and positive things in life. Stop focusing on and ruminating about all the negative experiences while glossing over positive experiences as if they were just luck or a fluke. Do random acts of kindness. They help the brain feel better. 

If you have difficulty or continue experiencing catastrophizing thoughts, seek professional help. 

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