Monday, January 9, 2023

Malignant Narcissism

I have heard the term “malignant narcissism”, but I don’t really understand what it means. Can you explain it?

Malignant narcissism is an extreme form of a Narcissistic personality disorder or NPD. According to the dictionary, "malignant" is an adjective with synonyms such as hostile, spiteful, malevolent, malicious, infectious, uncontrollable, and injurious. Words that have been used to describe malignant narcissistic characteristics include: vicious, cruel, and spiteful; anticipates betrayal and seeks punishment for it; ruthless, calculating, and callous; brutal, inhumane, and merciless; jealous, hateful, remorseless; callous, fearless, aggressive, and endlessly revengeful. This involves deliberate attempts to cause harm, suffering, or distress; feeling or showing ill will or hatred; dangerous or harmful in influence or effect. When narcissism becomes malignant, revenge may be exhibited as a life-long retaliation with a determination to discredit and destroy. This type of narcissism can quite easily morph into or become co-morbid with an Antisocial personality disorder. When thwarted in desires or goals, there is a potential for homicidal or suicidal behaviors, perhaps to gain notoriety and sympathy. Malignant narcissism is dangerous.

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