Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Sleep Deprivation Consequences

How does lack of sleep over a long period of time impact the brain?

That is a huge topic and well-studied. Here are a few examples.

·       Sleep is independently linked with longevity—the loss of one hour of sleep per night can shorten your life span

·       By 20 hours without sleep, your reaction time is similar to that of a person with a blood alcohol level of 0.08, the legal limit of intoxication in the state of California.

·       Over time, repair to the cells in the hippocampus, your brain’s  search engine, can fall behind, which can negatively impact memory

·       Sleep deprivation can increase your risk for making mistakes and having accidents whether driving or operating machinery. It Increases the risk of ingesting more calories the next day than you need, and is a risk factor for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, seizures, asthma, and mental disturbances such as Anxiety disorders, Depressive disorders, and even psychotic behaviors. Bottom line? Lack of adequate sleep is a bad idea all around.

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