Monday, January 30, 2023

Waking up

How does your brain know to wake you up in the morning?

Aside from the alarm clock going off? Sleep specialists say that if you develop regular sleep habits, the brain wakes you when it has finished all its housekeeping brain chores and knows you have had enough sleep to keep you alert for your next awake period. That is assuming that the brain is working optimally—the way it was designed to function. The actual waking-up process is very complicated. The Reticular Activating System in the brain stem in the 1st brain layer stimulates the cerebrum or 3rd brain layer into wakefulness. To do this it must over-ride or block the “sleep on” system in the Thalamus gland located in the 2nd brain layer. Irregular sleep habits can wreak havoc with this process, triggering insomnia and other undesirable consequences.

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