Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Twin studies have indicated a moderate to high heritability for NPD, along with possible neurobiological factors. These individuals can be charming and charismatic, love-bombing individuals who they believe can benefit them. Exhibited behaviors include an aggressive self-enhanced and self-preoccupied aggrandizement, over-controlling, insensitive, critical, and provocative. They believe themselves more important than anyone else. They exaggerate their achievements and expect to be recognized as superior, feel entitled to special treatment, continual admiration and obedience, and exploit others to achieve personal gain. They are intensely envious. Their sense of grandiosity demands superior treatment from all others. They have an arrogant demeanor, lack of empathy and a persistent victim stance. They blame others for everything and exhibit an enormous hypersensitivity. Constructive criticism to narcissists must be very carefully presented because they tend to interpret any suggestion however small as humiliating, degrading, or shameful and can counterattack. If their agenda is curtailed or criticized in any way, narcissists can become hateful, revengeful, and dangerous—sometimes even moving toward an Antisocial Personality Disorder.

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