Monday, February 6, 2023

Music as Therapy

You cannot control everything that happens in your life. However, you can control your attitude toward an event or situation. In that moment you are mastering change rather than allowing it to master you! The goal of health-related music therapy is to promote brain-body health. Music is an effective tool for therapy as it is one of the only things in life that processes information on both sides of the brain at once. Although music therapy’s value is being recognized in new ways, it is not a modern intervention. Music is one of the oldest self-prescribed therapies in history. The story is told of a shepherd boy, David, who lived in the eleventh century BC. He was called to play his harp and sing whenever King Saul was in despair.  Over the eons, individuals have purposefully—or unwittingly—used music as therapy or as a treatment. Parents sing to their fussy offspring. Individuals play or listen to music for their own benefit or perform for the enjoyment of others.

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