Friday, February 3, 2023

Music-Life Tones


Musical tone has been described as a sound that is characterized by a combination of pitch, duration, intensity (loudness), timbre (quality), attack, and release. Differing pitches may be altered by modulation or vibrato. Tone can also refer to the color or mood of the human voice—different from timbre—and also among instruments. Pianos, for example. You may like or dislike a specific piano for its tone. A tone may be expressed in differing ways. On the piano, for example, a delicate tone will contrast with a sharp and jarring tone, made possible through technical aspects of piano performance. Singers may vary tone by altering the quality of their voices: soft and gentle at times, harsh and loud at others. In a comparable way, your life has tones. Think of them as the spirit with which you live life. Life tones can change, sometimes minute to minute, depending on what is happening in your environment. They can be relatively consistent or erratic, encompassing the core emotions. Just as a musician has developed the skills to alter and manipulate musical tones, most people can develop the skills for altering their life tones—or spirit. That, too, comes with choice, practice, technical finesse, and level of emotional intelligence skills.

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