Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Differences in Approach to spiritual & physical modes

Do males and females approach spiritual and physical modes the same?

Males tend to relate to the world primarily through a physical mode (e.g., objects that are perceived through the five senses) or an intellectual mode (e.g., thinking, imagining, attitudes, viewpoint, inventing). Therefore, males tend to translate spiritual information either into a physical mode (e.g., building cathedrals, creating statues or art work, designing flags or icons or other symbolic objects) or into an intellectual mode (e.g., dogma, rituals, philosophy, doctrine, rules, regulations) as well. Typically, males assume that females also speak from a physical or intellectual mode, as well, even when they are discussing topics involving spiritual or religious concepts. Females can relate via physical or intellectual modes, but they can also respond through direct feeling states that are outside physical language and intellectual definition. They can experience a spiritual relationship with a Higher Power directly through emotions and feelings without having to translate it into either physical or intellectual modes. When females speak directly from a feelings mode, males may misread or misunderstand what the females are saying because, typically, males avoid venturing into the more nebulous realms of feelings.

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