Monday, October 2, 2023

"Why" Questions

Why do people go ballistic when they are asked a "why" question?

I could ask, "Why do people continue to ask 'why' questions when they rarely receive cogent cognitive answers?" Many human beings do not like being asked a “why” question, adolescents and Narcissists especially. “Why did you do that?” is likely to be answered with “I don’t know” or “Get off my back!” or “I’m out of here,” unless they just ghost you and badmouth you to others. In all probably they likely do NOT know as it takes some maturity and high Emotional Intelligence skills to attempt to identify contributing factors for an exhibited behavior, especially those involved with brain function. Indeed, a “why” question does often sound accusatory: “Why did you drink and drive?” or  “Why didn’t you turn in your homework,” or “Why didn’t you put out the garbage for pickup,” or “Why did you punch your little brother,” or “why did you eat half the cherry pie that you knew was for dessert tonight,” or “Why do you always lie,” or “Why didn’t you call me back?” or “Why did you cheat on me?” or ad infinitum.

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