Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Intellectual Humility

Sometime in 2017 (I think) you shared some information about Intellectual Humility. I had never heard of it before and found it interesting and enlightening. Can you revisit this topic? Is there anything new?

Yes and yes. Intellectual humility is an interesting concept. Early brain-function research indicated that each brain only has its own opinion. Sometimes that is a unilateral view; sometimes it is a view that has been adopted from someone else. Early research on Intellectual humility prompted me to include these phrases in my vocabulary: “In my brain’s opinion,” or “My brain’s opinion is …” They were designed to express that no brain can “know” everything much less “know” what it knows with infallible accuracy. What a brain doesn’t even know it doesn’t know can be lethal. New research on this topic was released in 2022, which I am happy to share with you. It reinforces that these phrases are meant to reflect personal intellectual humility. 

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