Monday, September 9, 2019

Brain Bullying – Common Questions, 3

Who are the targets and what are the categories of bullying behaviors?

Targets? Oh my. Have you ever seen or heard of a human being bullying animals and birds including torturing them? Certainly almost any person could become a target, especially when they differ from the person exhibiting the bullying behavior. For example, differences could include: race, skin color, region of origin (indigenous); facial appearance; body shape—fat, thin, big, small, malformed; diet and/or other health-related choices; sexual orientation; religion; politics, et cetera. Sadly, some studies have found no difference in bullying behaviors between non-Christian and Christian schools—which begs the question about reputedly desirable behaviors being exhibited by Christians. Categories of bullying behaviors can include almost anything, including: verbal, physical, mental, emotional, relational, racial, cultural, region of origin, skin color, religious, abuse of any type, gender, cyberbullying, sexting, financial, black mail, sexual coercion including marital and other rapes, torture . . .

So what can one do? (more to come)

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