Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Brain Fog

I deal with brain fog a lot. I don’t know if that’s from me not sleeping well, or something supplemental I’m not doing right or if I’m getting old. What is it?

We are all getting older. That’s a given. Brain fog is not synonymous with aging, however. It a label for symptoms that fall along a spectrum including brain fatigue, difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, making simple mistakes, feeling exhausted but you can’t sleep, sluggishness, or difficulty getting motivated. As you know, brain fog has been linked with dozens of chronic medical, immune, and inflammatory diseases, mental challenges such as PTSD and adult ADHD, infections like AIDS and COVID-19, chemotherapy, dementia, and many more. If none of these apply, then as a brain function specialist I think of lifestyle factors. Sleep deprivation when the brain cannot get waste emptied and repair jobs finished. Dehydration that pulls brain tissue away from the skull. Unmanaged stress that releases adrenalin and cortisol. Nutritional deficiencies from high sugar intake or foods to which you are allergic, sensitive, or intolerant. I know you can figure it out.

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