Wednesday, December 21, 2022


A friend of mine believes I am experiencing gaslighting. I don’t know what that means! Is it a brain thing?

 Actually, gaslighting is a “brain thing,” because everything begins in the brain. Gaslighting may be recognized by typically-related behaviors. It is psychological and emotional abuse with one goal in mind. One brain—the gaslighter’s—has an agenda and wants to gain power over our brain, typically to obtain something they want. The gaslighter may tell you too-good-to-be-true stories, love-bomb you, say how much you are loved and then ghost you for days, weeks, or months at a time; contradict what you think happened, ignore or break promises, stage bizarre events, play dangerous mind games, or lie—anything to trick you into doubting yourself and feeling insecure or confused. It can escalate into verbal or physical violence. More tomorrow.

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