Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Memories & Passage of Time

According to Neuroscience News, humans tend to estimate duration, how long something lasted, on how many memories they made during their assessment of the duration period. Think back to your childhood. You may recall some years when a lot of interesting things happened, and you made many new memories—which tends to make you think that a lot of time passed. Conversely, there may be periods of time that seemed very monotonous, when nothing much new or exciting happened and those times seem to coalesce into a blur. As you age and perhaps experience fewer “new things” about which to make memories, that can also make it seem a much shorter time from the last holiday season to this one. During the COVID-19 pandemic when everything was in flux and unpredictable, people around the globe reported that “the passage of time did not seem normal” at all.

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