Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Standard vs DST

“Why are the evenings longer during DST?”

 Evenings are not longer during DST. You are simply living an illusion based on what the clock tells you. The sun still rises and sets on Sun time. However, humans are now living on Clock time, which permits an extra hour of sunshine “by the clock,” and creates the illusion of a longer evening. If you were burning a candle to see by in the evening, having an extra hour of sunshine would likely save burning a candle quite as long. In this era, you might be turning on the lights an hour later, which would save some electricity. If you are an early morning riser, however, you may be turning the electricity on an hour earlier so it may even out over the course of time. DST does not impact the length of your day. That changes gradually as the world turns on its axis and the seasons change during a course of a year. I start going to bed an hour earlier for several days before DST changes in the spring. That way my brain seems to accommodate better as it still gets the same number hours of sleep. More tomorrow.

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