Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Gender Dysphoria, 2

The initial condition for the identification of Gender Dysphoria in both adults and teenagers is a noticeable incongruence between the gender the individuals believe themselves to be, and who society perceives them to be. The specific cause of Gender Dysphoria is unknown. As with other conditions, it likely is a spectrum or continuum. Genes, hormones during gestation, social factors, and environmental factors (e.g., parenting) all may be contributors. Individuals who are born with ambiguous genitalia, which can raise questions about their gender, may develop Gender Dysphoria—especially if the arbitrary assignment of gender at birth does not match brain and biology. Interestingly, Gender Dysphoria is not identical to nor synonymous with homosexuality. Each individual goes through a unique change. Some may want a short-term change and be content with cross-dressing. Others may desire a complete change and seek gender assignment surgery. 

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