Monday, August 29, 2022

Hoarding Disorder, 2

Hoarders are uncomfortable inviting guests over to the chaos—even beloved family members. Some may have good insight and realize that their hoarding is a serious problem or have poor insight and not recognize their behavior as unhealthy. Estimates are that eighty percent of hoarders shop excessively, buying unnecessary items or duplicates of what they already own but can no longer locate. Some also hoard animals that they cannot care for. Hoarders may come to the attention of authorities because of healthy and safety concerns related to their living conditions. Although hoarding is more commonly seen in older adults (55-94 years), the mental illness appears to begin at ages 11-15 years, starting to cause significant impairment when the individuals are in their 30’s. In addition to the hoarding issue, man also have depression (57%), social phobia (29%), generalized anxiety disorder (28%), and attention deficit disorder (28%).

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