Monday, June 4, 2018

Teaching EQ to Children, 4

Did you grow up learning that all emotions are positive? They are simply signals designed to move valuable information from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Joy is the desirable default position .It is the only core emotion that has no negative consequences when maintained over time. Joy appears to be aligned with the left hemisphere of the brain. The three protective emotions, anger, fear, and sadness, are aligned with the right hemisphere. When protective emotions are maintained over time, negative consequences often arise. Mismanaged emotions and behaviors that result in negative outcomes may build cellular memories—often impacting generation after generation. If anger surfaces in your brain frequently, ask, “Who was angry in my family or the past few generations?” If you are frequently fearful ask,” “Who was fearful in my family or the past few generations?” If you struggle with sadness, ask, “Who was sad in my family or the past few generations?” More tomorrow.

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