Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pyrrole Disorder or Kryptopyrrole

Pyrrole Disorder is one of those chemical abnormalities linked with depressive disorders. Reportedly it involves an abnormal synthesis of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying molecule in the blood. During the synthesis of hemoglobin synthesis, individuals with this genetically-associated disorder produce huge amounts of waste products called pyrroles. While they appear to be relatively harmless in and of themselves, they tend to bind to B6 and to zinc (at least), which play a part in the regulation of a healthy emotional state. They are also important nutrients used for vital neurological functions such as the production of neurotransmitters. As the pyrroles are excreted from the body, they carry B6 or pyridoxine and zinc with them, which means there are insufficient levels in the body. That appears to contribute to the symptoms of depression. Reports are that nutritional and biochemical treatments may help the individual significantly in the management of depression. Bottom line? What happens “in your brain” can be impacted by chemical abnormalities. More tomorrow.

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